Antique Nihonto Katana Attributed to Moritaka NBTHK TOKUBETSU HOZON TOKEN Certificate


Sale price$13,841.00 AUD
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Made in Japan with Certificate

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Authentic Nihontō Japanese Sword Katana Attributed to Kongohyoe Moritaka 金剛兵衛盛高 NBTHK TOKUBETSU HOZON TŌKEN Certificate 

The first-generation 金剛兵衛盛國 (Kongobei Morikuni) is said to have originated from 博多 (Hakata) or to have been a yamabushi (mountain ascetic) from 竈門山 (Mount Kamado) in 太宰府 (Dazaifu). From 盛國’s (Morikuni) son 盛高 (Moritaka) onwards, the main line was known as 盛高 (Moritaka) for generations. Additionally, members of this school used the character “盛” (Mori) in their names and often signed their works as "金剛兵衛某" (Kongobei so-and-so). A major characteristic of this school is the shape of the 茎 (nakago, tang) resembling a stupa.

The 金剛兵衛 (Kongobei) school is believed to have begun in the late 鎌倉時代 (Kamakura period). According to the "筑前国続風土記" (Chikuzen Province Continued Topography) written by 貝原益軒 (Kaibara Ekken) in the mid-江戸時代 (Edo period), the first-generation 盛國 (Morikuni) lived in 博多 (Hakata) and was originally a yamabushi, with his mother being a daughter of 末の左文字 (Suenosajimonji). Another theory suggests that he was a descendant of 正応 (Shoo) from 有智山 (Uchiyama) in 太宰府 (Dazaifu). However, the exact origins are unclear. The oldest existing work is a tantō with the inscription "金剛兵衛尉源盛高/正平□四年二月一日" (Kongobei no Jo Minamoto Moritaka / Shohei □ 4th Year, February 1st), which corresponds to the 南北朝時代 (Nanbokucho period) during the Shohei era (1346–1370). There are few examples with dated inscriptions, so the lineage of generations awaits further research developments.

This sword has a relatively thin blade for its width, and the 日本美術刀剣保存協会 (Nihon Bijutsu Token Hozon Kyokai) has dated it to the Nanbokucho period. The body and overall shape also suggest it was made during the Enbun-Joji period. The 地鉄 (jigane) is a combination of 板目肌 (itame-hada) and 杢目 (mokume), well-forged with intricate chikei and dense ji-nie, making it very refined. The 刃文 (hamon) is a deep nioiguchi suguha characteristic of koto (old swords), interwoven with gunome and small midare, featuring fine utsuri, displaying an antiquated appearance.

Bare weight: 643 grams.

Nihontō Information

Name 名称  無銘(金剛兵衛盛高) - Mumei (Kongohyoe Moritaka)
Blade Length 刀長  二尺一寸六分五厘強 / 65.62 cm
Sori 反り  六分弱 / 1.83 cm
Blade Width 元幅  33.1 mm
Blade Thickness 元重  5.4 mm
Tip Width 先幅  物打27.4 mm 横手位置22.7 mm
Tip Thickness 先重  物打5.4 mm 松葉位置3.8 mm
Mekugi-ana 目釘穴  3個
Age 時代  南北朝時代 - The Nambokucho era - 14th century
Certificate 鑑定書  特別保存刀剣鑑定書(NBTHK TOKUBETSU HOZON TŌKEN Certificate )
Registration 登録  平成31年1月8日 (January 8, 2019) 山口県登録 (Yamaguchi Prefecture Registration)
Included 附属 素銅地金着はばき (Copper habaki with gold plating)
白鞘 (Shirasaya Case)

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Customers in Victoria (Australia) should have a “prohibited weapons permit” or an exemption (membership from a Collectors’ Organisation) to purchase a Katana; please refer to our Katana Legal Statement for more information. A transaction fee may apply if the customer requests a refund because of the above issue.

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Please note that the blade of a katana needs to be kept dry and regularly maintained to remain in good condition. Please review the Samurai Sword Blade Maintenance Tips.

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The Nihon Bijutsu Token Hozon Kyokai (日本美術刀剣保存協会), also known as the Society for the Preservation of Japanese Art Swords, is one of the most respected organizations for Japanese sword certification. The NBTHK conducted a meticulous evaluation of this blade and determined that it possesses historical and artistic significance worthy of preservation. The purchaser will receive this original certificate.

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